208 Battlefield Road
G42 9HN

07751 884512

Dermatological Disorders

We are the multiple award-winning skin clinic in Glasgow, and as the premiere laser clinic, SkinteX is able to provide treatments for many conditions including (but not limited to):

Acne/Acne Scarring

General Scar Tissue – Redness Reduction

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Fungal Nail Infections / Onychomycosis / Tinea Unguium


Acne is a common skin condition mostly affecting teenagers/adults & can also have psychological effects if not treated or managed. An estimated prevalence 90-97% among adolescents. It can also have a psychosocial impact should scar tissue develop.

Acne can’t really be cured but can be controlled with treatment. There are scales for grading acne. There are topical & oral medications, which may fall into either the prescription or over the counter categories – eg: antibiotics, topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide creams, etc.

Your private GP is likely to prescribe Isotretinoin/Roaccutane type treatments. The retinoid isotretinoin should only be prescribed with those have true expertise & a thorough understanding of the risks of isotretinoin therapy. We are dedicated to helping those not taking drugs, or post treatment, who still have skin or scarring problems. We have heard that some antibiotics are becoming less effective & retinoids having many unwanted side effects, but this is not the case with laser & light treatments!

Acne Vulgaris is a common skin disease characterized by areas of skin with seborrhea (scaly red skin), comedones (blackheads & whiteheads), papules, nodules (large papules) & possibly worst of all permanent scarring.

Notice that acne is not confined to facial areas but breakouts can come in different forms & can be on different parts of the body. And it’s not just restricted to youth; some continue to have acne into their forties!

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Acnes (of which there are different types) if not controlled, can lead to acne scarring (see below)

SkinteX Can Help

Regain your confidence & raise your self-esteem!
Acne can be treated & maintained using our SkinteX laser & light treatments, coupled with our professional range of skincare products. No more stress, embarrassment or other psychological issues.

For active acne, our SkinteX Laser & Light Treatment reduces inflammation through photoselective absorption & controlled heating effects; this accelerates the healing process stimulating collagen remodelling, an important step in the long term treatment.

We offer sound practical advice to achieve a younger, tighter, healthier feel & only used clinically proven treatments & products. Here’s just one example: always cleanse your skin with an antibacterial cleanser, followed by a moisturiser that reduces break outs, to control oiliness & enlarged pores. During the day use a Zinc Oxide SPF30 which helps protect vulnerable skin from hyperpigmentation.

The following information helps with many other conditions, not just acne:
1.  It is important to stress that whilst the above solutions help manage the external appearance of healthy skin, you must not ignore the body from within.
2.  Essential is a balanced diet, to reduce inflammation, rich in white meats, leafy green vegetables, fruits, & adequate water intake. This can help the ability to heal, detoxify & maintain good skin barrier. Junk-food & processed foods along with too much caffeine won’t help!
3.  Do not smoke! Naturally, it decreases the healing processes & increases the body’s toxicity.
4.  The human body needs good quality exercise. This increases circulation which helps the skin’s oxygenation & reduce free radicals & toxic products of chronic inflammation.

dreamstimeextrasmall_61875359To assist with your ‘internal repair’, we have special liquids for home use to aid & improve the internal processes!  We also offer a Personal Skincare Treatment Programme (PSTP), to help prevent a relapse.

Why not book a skin tone & texture analysis consultation? It may free you from the psychosocial stigma & the stresses caused by your condition.

Acne Scarring

Acne scarring can have psychosocial effects & can be extremely traumatic causing low self-esteem. Acne scarring is very common but thankfully, one of the best ways to remove or reduce this is by dermal needling. Other names for this technique (or similar) are microneedling, CIT & mesotherapy. This procedure cannot be performed if you have live acnes.

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In short, we cause a certain amount of controlled damage to the area & combined with stem cell technology, we induce new dermal remodelling & new DNA produces new fresh youthful skin. At the same time because of regenerated epidermal & dermal remodelling, any unwanted pigmentation is also removed, as an added bonus. After just two treatments you will immediately see the difference & others will too. We often think that scarring only refers to the face, but the whole body can benefit from this treatment.

General Scar Tissue

If you have a wound & your skin tissue has been broken, then extra collagen is produced to heal over the damaged area. This may then lead to a scar (flat, hypertrophic or keloid, acne, etc). Collagen may continue to grow & form for up to 3 months, or longer.

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Realistically, you will never return to that original skin condition. The scar is permanent, but can be reduced or helped by surgery, etc. Some clinics make wild & exaggerated ‘repair’ claims, but we advise caution as to any claimed results.

As with acne scarring, other body scars can also have psychosocial effects & be extremely traumatic causing low self-esteem; but much improvement can be made using the same or similar treatments as we described above & throughout our website. Come & have a private consultation. Click here for contact.

Pregnancy Scar Tissue, Stretchmark Reduction (Striae)

Tired of never being able to wear a bikini?  Embarrassed by your stretch marks?

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Stretchmarks or Striae distensae are a type of scarring found on the skin, very often occur during the adolescent growth years and caused by rapid growth, weight gain or rapid loss, or pregnancy. We believe 1 in 3 women are affected psychologically, post pregnancy, due to stretchmarks.

They can also be caused by a hormonal imbalance. They can appear as reddish/purplish lines but will often reduce in colour, eventually giving them a silvery or pale/white appearance. Not confined only to women, MEN can develop striae. Striae is mainly found around the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, thighs & hips.

If the wound or stretch marks are new, fresh & still red or pink (due to vascular activity), then that’s the best time to seek treatment.

Here at SkinteX using dermal needling, with stem cell technologies & specialist clinical treatment, we achieve best outcomes by helping improve old & new scar tissue, which leads to a healthy looking & smoother textured skin, feeling rejuvenated.

Post pregnancy? How about skin-tightening, fat-freezing or body contouring? Click here:  Fat freezing – Contouring – Reshaping – Skin tightening

With our technology you can be successfully treated for many conditions & will regain self-esteem & have greater confidence as you see a new you!

dreamstimesmall_46787332   Time to buy a new bikini or sexy lingerie!    dreamstimeextrasmall_64348293


Onychomycosis/Tinea Unguium/Nail Infection

What Is It & What Are The Symptoms?

Onychomycosis (tinea unguium/ringworm) is a fungal infection of the nail & the most common disease of the nails. Mostly in adult males. It is characterised by thickening of the nail along with some deformity. Often nails can crumble & fall away from the nail bed.

Fungal nail infections are a nightmare for anyone, due to its pain, appearance & smell. Most sufferers try many medical treatments with minimal benefit or worse still have them removed by surgery! Laser treatment has become the ‘treatment of choice’ because of its effectiveness with no side effects.

The symptoms of a fungal nail are the nail becoming thickened & discoloured: white, yellow, black or green. As the infection progresses the nail can become brittle, with pieces breaking off or coming away from the toe or finger completely. If left untreated, the skin can become inflamed & painful underneath & around the nail.

People with onychomycosis experience significant psychological problems due to the appearance of the nail that is visible. Ageing is the most common risk factor for onychomycosis due to diminished blood circulation, longer exposure to fungi, nails grow more slowly & thicken, increasing susceptibility to infection. The nail fungus tend to affect more men than women & is often associated with family history (hereditary).


Risk Factors

Other risk infections include perspiring heavily, being in a humid moist environment, psoriasis, wearing socks & shoes that hinder ventilation and do not absorb perspiration, going barefoot in damp public places such as swimming pools, gyms and shower rooms, having athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), minor skin & nail injury, damaged nail, having diabetes, circulation problems or a weakened immune system.

To avoid misdiagnosis, please see your GP first, as laboratory confirmation is often necessary; this involves a microscopic examination & culture of nail scrapings & clippings. In approximately half of suspected nail infections are actually just nail deformities, therefore a confirmation of actual fungal infection is needed.

How Can SkinteX Help Me?

First we prepare & file down the nail (finger/toe) as much as necessary. Then with our simple & extremely effective laser procedures, apply laser heat to the depth of the affected nail & often the surrounding skin tissue, thus weakening & killing parasitic fungi which have infected the patients nails or surrounding skin. Natural growth & immune processes are then able to restore the nail to a pristine condition as new growth develops.

How Often Will I Require Treatment and How Much?

SkinteX laser treatments are simple, quick and effective. Likely, you will require 5-6 sessions, (7-10 days each), until cleared. If all treatment guidelines have been followed, it should never return!
Consultation is £15.00 and each treatment is £110.00

If you have any of the above conditions, or other skin or body concerns, why not book a skin texture analysis consultation? We are here to help & may free you of stresses caused by your condition.

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© 2024 SkinteX